6th Nordic Conference on Pediatric and Orphan Medicines
6th Nordic Conference on Pediatric and Orphan Medicines is organized jointly between Nordic POP partners, Åbo Akademi University and University of Helsinki as well FinPedMed.
The Pediatric conferences have been organized since 2017, under the Nordic Trial Alliance (NTA) NordForsk umbrella. The goal has been to increase the attractiveness of Finland and the Nordic Region for conducting Pediatric clinical trials and contribute to an increasing number of medicines for Children.
These conferences have been facilitating Academic and Pharma Industry collaboration for paediatric medicine development and clinical trials in the Nordic area. Research collaboration can easily be supported by joint congresses and sharing on best practices. The Networking between the Stakeholder and Country representatives from the Nordic and other European countries is also playing a vital role.
Therefore the conference is designed to be a two-day conference free of charge for all stakeholders.
The conference website is still under construction under the NORDICPEDMED (Nordic investigators network for Pediatric Medicines) domain: 6th Nordic Conference on Pediatric and Orphan Medicines 03-04,June, 2025, Helsinki, Finland – Nordicpedmed.
Save the Date!
EU Paediatric Regulation (EC 1901/2006) came into force in 2007 with the aim to improve the health of the children in Europe by increasing the research and authorization of medicines for children and improving the information on medicines designed for children. We also have the new EU Clinical Trial Regulation, CTIS accelerating the clinical trial applications submissions in Europe. The medical Unmet needs drives research into Orphan medicines.
As the populations in Pediatric and in orphan diseases are small, would the use of decentralized elements in trials, decreasing the need for travel to the Investigational Site and improve the possibilities for Nordic region to be included in the Trials as one or two sites could collect patients from all Nordic countries. This kind of studies are Cross Border Clinical trials, also a topic on the conference agenda.
(NordForsk and NTA have on top of funding collaborative conferences also supported the establishment of NordicPedMed Nordicpedmed The networks include university hospitalsand thus universities from all Nordic countries. In Finland all university hospitals as well as Queen Silvia /Sahlgrenska, Karolinska, Oslo and Haukeland University hospital and Landspitali Reykjavik.)