ÅAU & University of Reading & Nordic POP:The 3rd Virtual European Polymer Conference 9.-10.11.2022

The 3rd European Online Polymer Conference is a continuation of two successful online polymer conferences organized in 2020 and 2021 under the auspices of PSL lab, AAU and school of Pharmacy, University of reading, UK.

The previous two meetings held in 2020 (https://sfill225.wixsite.com/polymerconference) and 2021 (https://sfill225.wixsite.com/website-1) were very successful and we managed to attract top speakers, including Prof Robert Langer from MIT.

This time we also aim to have top speakers in our program.

Prof Nicholas Peppas (The University of Texas at Austin), Prof. Ana Jaklenec (MIT), Prof. Dave Haddleton (Warwick, UK) and Prof Katja Loos (Groningen, Netherlands) agreed to be our plenary speakers.

The conference is truly free of charge for everyone, speakers and attendees. The topic of pharmaceutics including drug delivery and pharmaceutical polymers is the main focus of the conference. One postdoctoral researcher and one PhD student from AAU will be speakers on the conference.

Complete programme can be found at https://www.polymerconf.eu/program



This workshop will be completely virtual and attended by 200-300 students and academics from several UCPH VIPs and other Universities Worldwide.

Register at https://www.polymerconf.eu/registration





Prof. Sergey Filippov

CHAIR, Åbo Akademi University, Finland, Contact

Prof. Vitaliy Khutoryanskiy

CO-CHAIR, University of Reading, UK, Contact

More at: https://www.polymerconf.eu/organisingcommittee