Nordic POP Annual Meeting Pre-seminar: Transfer from Academi to Company

With respect to the Annual Meeting that is taking place 10-12 August, University of Helsinki will organize the pre-meeting event that will focus on career transfer from Academi to Company environment.

The event is organized as a separate workshop to the Annual meeting and is possible to attend without attending Annual meeting itself.


14.30-14.35     Opening: Leena Peltonen, Nordic POP Network, Professor, University of Helsinki


14.35-14.45     Welcome: Jouni Hirvonen, Vice Rector, University of Helsinki


Transfer from Academi to Company Session


14.45-15.15     Niklas Sandler: Chief Technology Officer, Nanoform: Case Nanoform and CurifyLabs

15.15.-15.45    Otto Kari, Laboratory Director PharmaHUB, University of Helsinki: Supporting Academic Entrepreneurship

15.45-16.30     Coffee break and networking


Scientific Session

 16.30-17.00     Eric Kissi, Nanoform: Stabilising Amorphous Materials with Inorganic Materials - FCC as an Example

17.00-17.30     Anders Østergaard Madsen, University of Copenhagen: Bright X-rays from synchrotrons: pharmaceutical research opportunities for academic and industrial research.

17.30-17.35     Closing of the seminar: Leena Peltonen, Nordic POP Network, Professor, University of Helsinki               


18-19                 University reception



Registration deadline was set to 20th July, 2022.