2nd Nordic POP Workshop on Pharmaceutical Modelling and Simulation

2nd Nordic POP Workshop on Pharmaceutical Modelling and Simulation is again co-organized with the Swedish Drug Delivery Center (SweDeliver).

Workshop on Molecular Dynamics (MD) Simulations at the Department of Pharmacy will take place from November 30th to December 1st, 2023. Note that, our workshop is scheduled to begin the day after the "New Horizons in Drug Delivery and Formulation" conference, which will be held in Uppsala on November 27-29, 2023.

We are glad to announce that we can present invited speakers Jens Carlsson (Department of Cell and Molecular Biology, Uppsala University), Marie Skepö (Department of Chemistry, Lund University), Vasanthanathan Poongavanam (Department of Chemistry, Uppsala University), Xuezhi Zhuo (Department of Pharmacy, University of Copenhagen).









The flyer can be downloaded here.