Workshop on coupled localized spectroscopy/non-linear data fitting to resolve passive diffusion and release kinetics of drugs
Workshop description
The focus of this workshop is to help the development and increase the implementation of a new spectroscopic/computational method recently introduced (Mol. Pharm. 15(2018)1488-1494), within different Nordic POP institutions. This method has been applied to solve several pharmaceutically relevant problems, form measuring diffusion coefficients of different chemical entities, to the determination of equilibrium constants drug-complexing agents (Eur. J. Pharm. Biopharm. 139(2019)205-212). This versatile method has huge potentials and could be used to study, for example, drug permeability, drug release from nanocarriers and, potentially, drug dissolution.
In this workshop, this unique method will be described to the participants by the mean of theoretical lectures as well as practical tutorial on data fitting and laboratory exercises.
Learning goal
At the end of the workshop, students should be able to independently use and apply the method in
their own institutions.
Dr. Paul C. Stein, University of Southern Denmark (SDU), Odense, Dk
Dr. Massimiliano Pio di Cagno, University of Oslo (UiO), NO
Dr. Fabrizio Clarelli, UiT The Arctic University of Norway (UiT), NO
Dr. Mario Grassi, University of Trieste (UniTr), I
You can find the detailed programme here.
Number of participants
10 PhD students (limited number due to practical hands-on training). Senior participants are also
How to enrol
To enrol in the workshop please send an e-mail to Massimiliano Pio di Cagno: Deadline for enrolment is 02nd of August 2019.