Local Points of Contact (Principle investigators)
The key points of contact for the Nordic POP are following principal investigators. You can find the e-mail address for each of them at the bottom of this page.
University of Copenhagen: Jukka Rantanen is professor of pharmaceutical technology and engineering at the Department of Pharmacy (University of Copenhagen). He received his Ph.D. from the University of Helsinki in 2001, completed postdoctoral visit at the Department of Industrial and Physical Pharmacy (Purdue University, USA) in 2003, and joined the faculty at the University of Copenhagen in 2006 as a full professor. His research is focusing on development of future manufacturing solutions for medicinal products and especially, molecular-level process analysis of solid dosage forms using spectroscopic techniques combined with multivariate data analysis tools. Jukka has supervised or is currently supervising 25 post docs and Ph.D. students and he is an editorial board member of four leading scientific journals within pharmaceutical sciences and chemical engineering. ORCID: 0000-0002-8211-5607 |
Åbo Akademi University: Jesicca Rosenholm is Professor in Pharmacy (Pharmaceutical Development) at the Faculty of Science and Engineering, Åbo Akademi University, and PI of the BioNanoMaterials research group. Jessica holds a docentship in Biomedical Nanotechnology at Åbo Akademi University, from where she also received her MSc(Tech) degree in chemical engineering in 2002. Her doctorate period included a four-year funded position in the national Biomaterials and Tissue Engineering Graduate School, from which she graduated her DSc(Tech) degree in 2008. Her thesis work “Modular Design of Mesoporous Silica Materials: Towards Multifunctional Drug Delivery Systems” has been awarded national and international prizes, e.g. the Akzo Nobel Nordic Research Prize 2009 for best doctoral thesis and research activity in colloid and surface science in the Nordic countries. In 2009-2010 she spent a postdoctoral period at the Nano Biomedical Research Centre, Med-X Research Institute, Shanghai Jiao Tong University in China. The main objectives of her current research is to develop nanoparticles for specific biomedical applications by smart design, and synthesize composite nanostructures for improved bio-visibility and theranostic activity, and evaluate the potential and applicability of the developed nanomaterials for in vitro and in vivo drug delivery and biomedical imaging together with our collaborators. ORCID: 0000-0001-6085-1112 |
UiT The Arctic University of Norway Gøril Eide Flaten is a Professor in Pharmaceutics and Biopharmaceutics, Drug Transport and Delivery research group, at the Department of Pharmacy, UiT the Arctic University of Norway. Gøril’s research focus is permeability of drug through different absorption barriers, both in respect of understanding the mechanisms and factors affecting the permeability of compounds and formulations, and means to improve the permeability through use of advanced (mainly lipid based) drug delivery systems. Her research experience further spans from development of models for permeability screening, formulation of poorly soluble drugs, characterisation of nanoparticulate delivery systems, biopharmaceutical characterisation of delivery systems (cell toxicity and permeability) to in vivo biodistribution studies in mouse tumor models. Her research has so far resulted in >35 publications in reputed international peer review journals within the field of pharmaceutical sciences. Gøril is the leader of WP 2 Products in the NordicPOP consortium, member of the Norwegian Pharmacopeia Commission, member of the national publication panel for pharmacy, pharmacology and toxicology as well as member of both national and institutional committees for the bachelor and master programs in pharmacy. ORCID: 0000-0002-0934-9773 |
University of Helsinki Leena Peltonen is University lecturer, Docent (adjunct professor) in Pharmaceutical technology, Division of Pharmaceutical Chemistry and Technology, Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Helsinki. Leena Peltonen’s research has resulted in >80 peer-reviewed papers in recognized international journals, 10 book chapters, 2 patents, and a lot of other scientific publications. She has supervised 10 doctoral thesis and >30 MSc thesis. She is Editorial Board member of the Journal of Drug Delivery Science and Technology, she has been guest editor for three special issues, and she is the member of European Pharmacopoeia Commission Group 12 Dosage Forms and Methods in EDQM Council of Europe. Leena Peltonen’s main research interests include pharmaceutical technology, especially nanotechnology, physical pharmacy and dissolution and solubility analysis. ORCID: 0000-0002-6651-2792
Uppsala University Christel Bergström is an Associate Professor at the Department of Pharmacy, Uppsala University, Sweden, Adjunct Associate Professor at Monash University, Australia and Deputy Dean of Collaboration (Medicine and Pharmacy), Uppsala University. Christel´s research is focused on in silico and in vitro models predicting drug absorption and distribution, with a special focus on the influence of drug solubility and formulation performance on these processes. She heads a research team of ~20 PhD students, post docs and senior researchers within the area of molecular pharmaceutics. She has published 85 articles and book chapters and given more than 70 presentations at international meetings. Her research program is funded by national and international sources e.g. the European Research Council, the Swedish Research Council, Swedish Foundation for Strategic Research and Sweden´s Innovation Agency. Since 2018 she is associate editor for Molecular Pharmaceutics. ORCID: 0000-0002-8917-2612 |
University of Iceland Hákon Hrafn Sigurðsson is Professor at the Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, University of Iceland. Hákon completed a Pharmacy Test (MS) from the Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences of the University of Iceland in 1999. From 1999 to 2002, he worked on a number of pharmaceutical studies, including at the Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences and at the Icelandic Pharmaceutical Research (Encode). Hákon studied doctoral studies at the Faculty of Pharmacy at the University of Iceland and at Saarland University, and graduated in 2006. He also received a "European PhD in advanced drug delivery" title from Galenos Network that year. Hákon worked as an expert in pharmaceutical formulations at Actavis 2005-2006, and then started working as an associate professor of physiology and pharmacy at the Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences at the University of Iceland. His main research area is in the field of mucosal adhesion, drug access into the eyes, formulations, drug flow through the skin and membranes. He has also been working with cyclodextrin more or less since 1997. ORCID: 0000-0003-4074-9182 |
University of Southern Denmark
Martin Brandl received his PhD (“summa cum laude”) in 1990 and Dr. habil. degree in 1998, both from Albert-Ludwigs-University, Freiburg, Germany. Since 2009 he is serving as a full professor of Pharmaceutics at Department of Physics, Chemistry & Pharmacy, University of Southern Denmark (SDU), Odense DK. Prior positions: Arctic University, Tromsø Norway (UiT, full professor 1998-2008), Albert-Ludwigs-University (lecturer 1992-98), School of Pharmacy, Univ. London (PostDoc 1991-92). Scientific officer / head of pharmaceutical affairs & registration Gry-Pharma GmbH, Kirchzarten (now part of Teva; 1986-91). His management experience comprise functions as head of department (UiT), (founding) director of pharmacy bachelor-& master-program (SDU), management team of COST-action (UNGAP), PI of approx. 10 research projects and consortia. Currently, Martin serves as Editor in chief (European Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Elsevier (since 2012) and leads (together with prof Annette Bauer-Brandl) a team of ten PostDocs, guest-researchers and PhD-students. Earlier he has mentored/supervised approx..10 PostDocs, 30 PhD- and 50 bachelor- / master-students. His research is focusing on oral delivery of poorly soluble drugs, especially the mechanistic understanding of candidate-enabling formulations and in vitro tools for predictive performance ranking (artificial biomimetic barriers, combined dissolution/permeation, microdialysis sampling); Another focus is on the elucidation of colloidal and micro-particulate structures relevant for oral drug absorption. |
University of Eastern Finland Jarkko Ketolainen is a Professor in Pharmaceutical Technology and the Head of School of Pharmacy, University of Eastern Finland, Kuopio campus. Professor Ketolainen has been a member and the 2nd vice chair of the Academy of Finland’s Research Council for Health (2013 – 2018) and a member EUFEPS’ (European Federation for Pharmaceutical Sciences) QbD and PAT Sciences Network Steering Group since 2007. Professor Ketolainen has published over 120 original scientific publications and supervised 14 completed PhD theses and 10 post docs. Professor Ketolainen has also manager and director level industrial experience from late 90’s and early 2000’ and his current research interests cover solid dosage forms and continuous manufacturing.
Chalmers university of Technology Alexandra Stubelius is an Assistant Professor at the Department of Life Sciences (Chalmers University of Technology). She holds a M.Sc. in Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Biosciences and received her Ph.D. in Medicine from the University of Gothenburg, specializing in inflammation and rheumatology. She did her postdoc at the Center of Excellence for Nanomedicine and Engineering at the University of California, San Diego, USA. She was recruited to Chalmers and set up her lab in 2019 in nanomedicine for immune-related disorders. Her research covers organic synthesis, nanoparticle formulation, and their evaluation in vitro and in vivo. She has supervised >10 B.Sc. and M.Sc. students to completion and teaches pharmaceutical formulations for both bachelor and master students. She is highly involved in Chalmers’ Areas of Advance Nano and Health Engineering, a member of the Swedish Pharmaceutical Society, and recently joined the board of the Controlled Release Society Nordic Local Chapter. |
University in Oslo: ORCID: 0000-0003-4241-4183 |
- UCPH: Jukka Rantanen, e-mail: jukka.rantanen@sund.ku.dk
- ÅBO: Jessica Rosenholm, e-mail: jerosenh@abo.fi
- OSLO: Ingunn Tho, e-mail: ingunn.tho@farmasi.uio.no
- UPP: Christel Bergström, e-mail: Christel.Bergstrom@farmaci.uu.se
- UOI: Hakon Hrafn Sigurdsson, e-mail: hhs@hi.is
- SDU: Martin Brandl, e-mail: mmb@sdu.dk
- KUOP: Jarkko Ketolainen, e-mail:jarkko.ketolainen@uef.fi
- CHAL: Alexandra Stubelius, e-mail: Alexandra.Stubelius@chalmers.se
- HEL: Leena Peltonen, e-mail: leena.peltonen@helsinki.fi
- TROM: Göril Eide Flaten, e-mail: goril.flaten@uit.no