8 September 2020
ÅBO Akademi university in cooperation with Nordic POP organizing a WP3 related conference in light of the celebration of 100th anniversary of polymer science (1920-2020).
The full 2 day event will cover talks from 21 invited speakers from Belgium, Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Denmark, Germany, Greece, Finland, Spain, Russia, United Kingdom and United States.
The conference is chaired by visiting professor Sergey Filippov (Abo Akademi University, Finland) and co-chaired by professor Vitaliy Khutoryanskiy (University of Reading, UK).
The link to the official conference website: https://sfill225.wixsite.com/polymerconference
The link to Nordic POP info website: https://nordicpop.ku.dk/events/wp3-1st-virtual-european-polymer-conference-17-18-september-2020-organized-by-aau-in-cooperation-with-nordic-pop/