5 December 2023

Award of NordForsk grant for university cooperation within Pharmaceutical Translation and Innovation

The consortium received up to 20 MNOK in funding from NordForsk under their University Cooperation call and the new project commencing next year will be led by Professor Christel Bergström from Uppsala University. All current partners of Nordic POP remains on board.

NordicPharmaTrain will strive to consolidate world-leading research and education in the Nordics within drug delivery, pharmaceutical product design and clinical implementation with focus on translation and innovation in pharmaceutical research.

The overall focus of NordicPharmaTrain is:

  1. Mobility actions for young researchers and senior scientists.
  2. Research and education in collaboration with the strong life science partners within the region.
  3. Training and mentorship of young researchers to equip them for future leadership within Nordic biotech and pharma industry

Two new key subject areas for the research at IF: sustainability and big data within pharmaceutical sciences.

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