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Anders Østergaard Madsen, Principle Investigator, Associate Professor in the group of Materials and Manufacturing, Department of Pharmacy, University of Copenhagen.
Anders Østergaard Madsen has published 48 peer-reviewed papers and book chapters in recognized international journals and given more than 20 invited lectures. He is chair of the Danish national committee for crystallography, and member of the executive committee of the Danish Chemical Society.
Anders is structural chemist and crystallographer with a focus on molecular drug crystals. Using X-ray and neutron diffraction he has focused on the dynamics of crystals, in relation to high-resolution charge-density studies, thermodynamic properties and phase stabilities and transitions of polymorphic systems and hydrates. The primary research tools have been X-ray and neutron diffraction in combination with in-silico studies such as periodic ab-initio calculations. He is an experienced user of the large X-ray and neutron infrastructures (synchrotrons and neutron sources).